Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Chronicles of the mighty 2 4 offsuit

The last time I checked, 2 4 was not considered to be a powerhouse hand by many poker authorities. It would seem that the players at Party Poker missed that memo.

***** Hand History for Game 3101209342 *****
0/0 Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) - Sat Nov 26 21:52:55 EST 2005
Table Table 65635 (6 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Zerander ( $48.45)
Seat 2: BonitoKing ( $49)
Seat 3: mausercris13 ( $72.10)
Seat 4: chanda001 ( $111.35)
Seat 5: bomaja ( $147.95)
Seat 6: binh0012 ( $58.65)
BonitoKing posts small blind (0.25)
mausercris13 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to BonitoKing [ Ad, Kd ]
chanda001 calls (0.50)
binh0012 folds.
Zerander folds.
BonitoKing raises (1.75) to 2
mausercris13 folds.
chanda001 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, 5s, Ah ]
BonitoKing bets (2)
chanda001 calls (2)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
BonitoKing bets (2)
chanda001 calls (2)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
BonitoKing checks.
chanda001 bets (6)
BonitoKing calls (6)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.30 | Rake: $1.20
Board: [ Tc 5s Ah 7d 6s ]
Zerander balance $48.45, didn't bet (folded)
BonitoKing balance $60.30, bet $12, collected $23.30, net +$11.30 [ Ad Kd ] [ a pair of aces -- Ad,Ah,Kd,Tc,7d ]
mausercris13 balance $71.60, lost $0.50 (folded)
chanda001 balance $99.35, lost $12 [ 2s 4c ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Tc,7d,6s,5s ]
bomaja balance $147.95, sits out
binh0012 balance $58.65, didn't bet (folded)

I guess he was looking for a 3. I woulda been pretty pissed had he hit. Here's another one:

***** Hand History for Game 3101216454 *****
0/0 Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) - Sat Nov 26 21:54:18 EST 2005
Table Table 65324 (6 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Spunk__ ( $30.66)
Seat 2: glogan ( $21.50)
Seat 4: Yes27OffSuit ( $36.95)
Seat 5: BonitoKing ( $49.50)
Seat 6: allindave41 ( $91.21)
BonitoKing posts small blind (0.25)
allindave41 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to BonitoKing [ Td, Qc ]
Spunk__ calls (0.50)
glogan calls (0.50)
Yes27OffSuit folds.
BonitoKing calls (0.25)
allindave41 checks.
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 7d, Th ]
BonitoKing bets (2)
allindave41 calls (2)
Spunk__ folds.
glogan folds.
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
BonitoKing bets (4)
allindave41 calls (4)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8c ]
BonitoKing checks.
allindave41 checks.
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.30 | Rake: $0.70
Board: [ Qh 7d Th 2s 8c ]
Spunk__ balance $30.16, lost $0.50 (folded)
glogan balance $21, lost $0.50 (folded)
Yes27OffSuit balance $36.95, didn't bet (folded)
BonitoKing balance $56.30, bet $6.50, collected $13.30, net +$6.80 [ Td Qc ] [ two pairs, queens and tens -- Qc,Qh,Td,Th,8c ]
allindave41 balance $84.71, lost $6.50 [ 2h 4h ] [ a pair of twos -- Qh,Th,8c,2h,2s ]

Alright, so his 2 4 was actually suited and he did have a heart draw but still, calling pot-sized bets with nothing but a tiny flush draw just can't be right.

Now 4 6 offsuit IS a powerhouse hand as demonstrated by the following history:

***** Hand History for Game 3101478912 *****
0/0 Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) - Sat Nov 26 22:41:50 EST 2005
Table Table 65324 (6 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: BR0WNSUGAR ( $70.20)
Seat 2: glogan ( $16.20)
Seat 3: jinkster99 ( $31.40)
Seat 4: bills217 ( $29.60)
Seat 5: BonitoKing ( $70)
Seat 6: fool_proof ( $47.50)
bills217 posts small blind (0.25)
BonitoKing posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to BonitoKing [ 4d, 6d ]
fool_proof folds.
glogan raises (1) to 1
jinkster99 calls (1)
bills217 folds.
BonitoKing calls (0.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Qs, 4h ]
BonitoKing checks.
glogan bets (3)
jinkster99 folds.
BonitoKing calls (3)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
BonitoKing checks.
glogan bets (4)
BonitoKing raises (8) to 8
glogan calls (4)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
BonitoKing bets (5)
glogan calls (4.20)
glogan is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $32 with glogan
** Summary **
Main Pot: $32 | Side Pot 1: $0.80 | Rake: $1.65
Board: [ 4c Qs 4h 3s 4s ]
BR0WNSUGAR balance $70.20, didn't bet (folded)
glogan balance $0, lost $16.20 [ Kh Kd ] [ a full house, Fours full of kings -- Kh,Kd,4c,4h,4s ]
jinkster99 balance $30.40, lost $1 (folded)
bills217 balance $29.35, lost $0.25 (folded)
BonitoKing balance $85.80, bet $17, collected $32.80, net +$15.80 [ 4d 6d ] [ four of a kind, fours -- Qs,4d,4c,4h,4s ]
fool_proof balance $47.50, didn't bet (folded)

I find it amazing that so many people just refuse to put in significant (if any) preflop raises with their premium pocket pairs. It's like they begging you to hit your hand and unknowingly trap them into lossing their entire stack. How someone can maintain the attitude that it's best to just check call with your hand when it's ahead and then get all your money in when you're behind is just beyond me. In this case, I just felt bad for the guy with KK. He really didn't deserve to get buried by 4 6 o. Oh well, he had it coming playing like that.


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