Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Friday, October 28, 2005

Random musical musings

I just realized something that some of my favorite songs have in common: a distinct conversational nature in or between different tracks of the song. I'm talking music here, so it's difficult to describe why it sounds like a conversation to me, but it does. It's always a dialogue - there are never more than two "voices." The most unsubtle example of this is the intro to the song "Vow" by Garbage. I guess this could be compared more closely to an echo than a conversation, but it serves to convey the point. The effect is best experience with head phones. A better example is the guitar background you hear in Radiohead's "Street spirit (fade out)" that starts att around 2:19 but really kicks in with some drums and bass at 2:47 in the album version (The Bends). This sound makes me visualize a wheel intersperses full rotations with nearly full rotations in a manner akin to that of a pendulum. OK that sounds trippy but deal. Another example is "Impact" by Kooz, who few people have ever heard of but has produced some kickin' beats. In this song, there are two independent tracks that interact like kids at play - one chasing the other around, getting caught, and vice versa. Pretty sweet.


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