Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Adventures in $3/6

This hand went down last night after a sweet dinner out on the town, during which I drank about three glasses of great wine. I think I would have played it pretty much the same way sober, except for on thing. Can you guess what it is?

***** Hand History for Game 2932717274 *****
3/6 Texas Hold'em Game Table (Limit) - Wed Oct 26 00:49:45 EDT 2005
Table Table 64904 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: BonitoKing ( $120)
Seat 2: noddyslade ( $237.50)
Seat 3: LogansAKRun ( $187.25)
Seat 4: ezmoney1232 ( $81)
Seat 5: oilchange111 ( $111.50)
Seat 6: gwaijai888 ( $113)
Seat 7: klemovit ( $311)
Seat 8: JackAce_21 ( $257)
Seat 9: ChokingDog ( $134)
Seat 10: KCB29 ( $181.25)
KCB29 posts small blind (1)
BonitoKing posts big blind (3)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to BonitoKing [ Ts, Qh ]
noddyslade folds.
LogansAKRun folds.
ezmoney1232 calls (3)
oilchange111 raises (6) to 6
gwaijai888 calls (6)
klemovit folds.
JackAce_21 folds.
ChokingDog folds.
KCB29 calls (5)
BonitoKing calls (3)
ezmoney1232 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Qd, Qs ]
KCB29 checks.
BonitoKing bets (3)
ezmoney1232 calls (3)
oilchange111 calls (3)
gwaijai888 calls (3)
KCB29 folds.
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
BonitoKing bets (6)
ezmoney1232 folds.
oilchange111 calls (6)
gwaijai888 calls (6)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
BonitoKing bets (6)
oilchange111 raises (12) to 12
gwaijai888 calls (12)
BonitoKing raises (12) to 18
oilchange111 raises (12) to 24
gwaijai888 folds.
BonitoKing calls (6)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $117 | Rake: $3
Board: [ Ac Qd Qs Tc 2h ]
BonitoKing balance $81, lost $39 [ Ts Qh ] [ a full house, Queens full of tens -- Qh,Qd,Qs,Ts,Tc ]
noddyslade balance $237.50, didn't bet (folded)
LogansAKRun balance $187.25, didn't bet (folded)
ezmoney1232 balance $72, lost $9 (folded)
oilchange111 balance $189.50, bet $39, collected $117, net +$78 [ As Qc ] [ a full house, Queens full of aces -- As,Ac,Qc,Qd,Qs ]
gwaijai888 balance $86, lost $27 (folded)
klemovit balance $311, didn't bet (folded)
JackAce_21 balance $257, didn't bet (folded)
ChokingDog balance $134, didn't bet (folded)
KCB29 balance $175.25, lost $6 (folded)

Oh that hurt. I think that betting out the whole was was correct since I figured to get paid by any and all donks holding an ace. Not value betting the flop for fear of being up against AA, AQ, KQ, or QJ seems pretty weak. After the turn I only had to worry about AA and AQ. Once I was raised on the river I should have realized that I was up against something a whole lot stronger than AK or AJ. TT was the only plausible option that I could beat. Live and learn. Learning is easier when two minutes later you hit a draw on the river and drag a big pot like this one:

***** Hand History for Game 2932811630 *****
3/6 Texas Hold'em Game Table (Limit) - Wed Oct 26 01:09:47 EDT 2005
Table Table 64904 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: BonitoKing ( $143)
Seat 2: noddyslade ( $239.50)
Seat 3: LogansAKRun ( $167.25)
Seat 4: ezmoney1232 ( $20)
Seat 5: oilchange111 ( $289)
Seat 6: gwaijai888 ( $67)
Seat 7: klemovit ( $275)
Seat 8: JackAce_21 ( $257)
Seat 9: ChokingDog ( $124)
Seat 10: KCB29 ( $200.25)
KCB29 posts small blind (1)
BonitoKing posts big blind (3)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to BonitoKing [ 5s, 6d ]
noddyslade folds.
LogansAKRun folds.
ezmoney1232 calls (3)
oilchange111 folds.
gwaijai888 calls (3)
klemovit folds.
JackAce_21 folds.
ChokingDog raises (6) to 6
KCB29 folds.
BonitoKing calls (3)
ezmoney1232 calls (3)
gwaijai888 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, Ad, 7s ]
BonitoKing checks.
ezmoney1232 checks.
gwaijai888 checks.
ChokingDog bets (3)
BonitoKing calls (3)
ezmoney1232 calls (3)
gwaijai888 calls (3)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
BonitoKing checks.
ezmoney1232 bets (6)
gwaijai888 calls (6)
ChokingDog calls (6)
BonitoKing calls (6)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4c ]
BonitoKing checks.
ezmoney1232 bets (5)
ezmoney1232 is all-In.
gwaijai888 calls (5)
ChokingDog calls (5)
BonitoKing raises (11) to 11
gwaijai888 calls (6)
ChokingDog calls (6)
Creating Main Pot with $78 with ezmoney1232
** Summary **
Main Pot: $78 | Side Pot 1: $18 | Rake: $3
Board: [ 8s Ad 7s 7c 4c ]
BonitoKing balance $213, bet $26, collected $96, net +$70 [ 5s 6d ] [ a straight, four to eight -- 8s,7s,6d,5s,4c ]
noddyslade balance $239.50, didn't bet (folded)
LogansAKRun balance $167.25, didn't bet (folded)
ezmoney1232 balance $0, lost $20 [ 7h Qh ] [ three of a kind, sevens -- Ad,Qh,7h,7s,7c ]
oilchange111 balance $289, didn't bet (folded)
gwaijai888 balance $41, lost $26 [ Ah 2d ] [ two pairs, aces and sevens -- Ah,Ad,8s,7s,7c ]
klemovit balance $275, didn't bet (folded)
JackAce_21 balance $257, didn't bet (folded)
ChokingDog balance $98, lost $26 [ Qd As ] [ two pairs, aces and sevens -- As,Ad,Qd,7s,7c ]
KCB29 balance $199.25, lost $1 (folded)

Note that when ezmoney hit his trip 7s on the turn it set me up perfectly for a check raise on the river since gwaijai and ChokingDog were trapped in between us. Too bad his stack wasn't a little bigger!!!

In both these hands I called a raise from the big blind with marginal holdings. In one case I was dominated and paid dearly for it. But in both cases I was getting good pot odds and figured my implied odds were great given that these people tend to go way too far with their bad hands. I still need to figure out when it is correct to fold for one small bet in the big blind. E.g. you have no read on a dude who open raises from the cutoff. The button calls and the small blind folds. You are the big blind with T8s. Getting 5:1 pot odds here with no chance of getting reraised but in the worst position after the flop do you call or fold as basic strategy?


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