Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Friday, August 05, 2005

Poker Predation

I recently discovered the power of Poker Tracker (PT) combined with Poker Ace heads up display (PT HUD). PT is a program that takes all of your online hand histories and calculates just about every stat you could ever want on yourself and everyone at your table. PT HUD overlays those stats on the table as you play, so you can instantly identify both the fish and the sharks. What's more, you don't even have to be playing to get data on potential opponents - the hand histories from every open table are recorded to the hard drive and analyzed by PT.

Last night I was data mining 8 tables when I noticed a guy (I'll call him Mr. Fish) at a $3/6 table who was putting money into the pot preflop >70% of the time, going to a showdown about 50% of the time when he saw the flop, and losing about 70% of those showdowns. Luckily for me, the seat to his right opened up and I immediately sat down in it. I posted my big blind and was dealt AA the very first hand. Hells yeah. My bullets held up and I dragged a $75 pot. A few hands later I got AK in early position (EP). I raised it up and Mr. Fish cold called, as did the big blind. The flop came A K T and I bet out, making any dumbass pay at least $3 to hit his inside straight draw. The turn was a beautiful K, giving me a big full house. I bet out again, figuring there was no need for deception here. Sure enough, both guys called. The river brought an uneventful 7, and this time when I bet only Fish called me, showing down a formidable Q6 offsuit. I wonder if he was surprised that he didn't win the pot.

One orbit later I was dealt 66 in the big blind. Fish and another EP limped, and an MP player raised. The button, the small blind, the limpers, and I all called. The flop was tasty: 8d 6d 8c. Again, no point in slow playing at this table. I bet and EVERYBODY (that's five "poker" playas) called. Lol. The turn was another 6. Feeling invincible, I bet again. This time, only Mr. Fish and the EP called. That's right, the preflop raiser, the button, and the small blind all realized at that point that they were probably drawing dead. Clearly Fish never had such an inkling. The river brought a third 8, making eights full of sixes on the board. At that point I kind of wish I had checked the turn, because anyone with an over pair would have at least called if not raised a river bet here. Oh well. I bet and was called by both guys. Fish showed down 33 (fairly pathetic, though nowhere near as egregious as the last hand), and the other guy showed 7d 9d for a flopped straight flush draw that never came through.

So within about 15 minutes at this $3/6 table I was up $130. Several hands later, Mr. Fish busted out. Everyone else at the table had stats reflecting at least marginal playing ability, so I left. This marks the beginning of a new strategy for me.
1) track down fish, 2) make score, 3) leave when money dries up. Perhaps this sounds kinda cruel, but hey, these fish want to play. If somebody's going to take their money, it may as well be me.


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