Reel and Deal Diaries

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Thursday, August 31, 2006

On captitalism vs. socialism

The preference for capitalism or socialism over the other appears to be a profound distinction among human beings. This preference lies at the foundation of how we believe people should perform and interact in a community. That is, the responsiblity of each person to himself vs. others and the rewards that each person should reap in relation to his contributions to and his needs within that community. Given that humans (and most other oranganisms) have evolved to be selfish for biological reasons, capitalism seems to be the clear choice. However, what if by evolving higher states of consciousness such as those advocated by the Eastern religions (and perhaps even Christianity and Judaism), we can leave the ego behind and recognize the connection we have with all people, the unity between ourselves and the universe. Perhaps we would find that the resulting harmony yields far greater spiritual rewards than can the constant struggle to distinguish ourselves from others through the attainment of fame and fortune. Essentially, we would have to evolve a mindset similar to that of the Hymenopterans (bees, ants, and wasps), which live in virtually clonal communities, making ultimate cooperation and unity between individuals a biological imperative. I strongly believe that capitalism is the superior economic system for humans as long as we remain true to our biological roots, but perhaps if we nurture and cultivate our minds to the point of universal love and awareness then socialism will be the clear answer.